Monday, June 25, 2007

Goodbye To All That.

All good things must come to an end. So a journey that has taken me from the manicured zen gardens of Koyoto to the wilderness of Patagonia, from the neon billboards (and courtesy flushing toilets) of Shibuya to the favelas of Rio, the dessication of the Outback to the spectacular waterfalls of Iguazu (more water per second than Severn Trent wastes in a summer and a roar almost loud enough to drown out the chattering chavales) is over. Having survived Tokyo commuting, volcanoes, crocs, gap year backpackers and a diet dangerously high in cheese, after 9 months, 8 countries, 66 beds, 41 buses and 36 species of wildlife, I'm coming home. Shortly to be seen sweating and shouting in a Barcelona classroom near you. I can honestly say it's been a blast. There are some things I won't miss of course. Living at such close proximity to others that you can hear your neighbours scratching their behinds, being looked at as if you have three heads when ordering dinner, shouting as a national sport......hmm, hang on a minute....