Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006
Big in Japan.
Apocalypse right here, right now. The word 'hectic' was invented for Tokyo. Imagine Picadily Circus, Times Square or the center of any major city complete with traffic jams and nine storey neon. Cut to the same city at peak rush hour full of swarming worker bees. Then imagine that this is the NOT in fact the center but a fairly standard suburb. Where I live. The end of the world is NOT nigh, it's happening NOW! This is what happens when too many people decide it's a good idea to live in the same place. And they're knackered. Get on the metro at any time of day and you'll see 4 to 5 nodding commuters catching up on the 7 and a half hours they deny themselves in order to flay themselves on the altar of the 'asian tiger economy' (and you can't offer your seat to any little old ladies either. If it's not done in exactly the right way they have to get off at the next stop and committ ritual suicide so great is the shame. And then their Yakuza grandsons come for ya ass). On the return leg of my 90 min commute (I don't want to talk about it ok) I decided to follow suit recieving many 'big ups' for my head bobbing style from my fellow commuters.
Gonna Rock Down To Electric Avenue.
So devoted to comsumer culture is Tokyo that there is an entire zone dedicated solely to the sale of electrical goods. You name it, it's here. And in minature. Advertised, as always, by giant neon. If Tokyo is every forced to cut its energy consumption the bottom's going to drop out of the neon tube industry. Think Bladerunner meets Blackpool Pier. Meanwhile, we laugh in the middle class face of your low energy bulbs. And incinerate the wrapping from our individualy packaged kiwi fruit along with the rest of our 'burnable waste'. Your puny efforts to save the planet cannot stop us. No small irony that a global emssions agreement was signed here. Anyway that's enough for now. Next time: The glory that is Japanese game shows. Simon Cowell, come and have a go...XXX Kate.


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